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This site is the home for a podcast and unconference hosted by Ryan Price and Kathryn Neel. We will be interviewing people who are creating awesome and interesting things that skirt the boundaries between science and art. Join us for the ride.

Source Code B46 is a course for K-5 students that helps them transform a written story into an animated movie by software coding. They recently had a screening of films selected as the best in their class by peer review - the best few films from each class was screened at Otronicon and rated by a panel of judges on: statement of problem, plot, animation and creativity. The films were created by students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade in Central Florida during a 16-week course taught one hour at a time. This interview features Kyle C Steele and Sarah Stack, co-founders of the company, as well as a quick comment from fellow judge Bethany Borden of Orlando indie game studio Outhouse Games. We also play the inspirational radio play by vision-impaired third-grader Addison, titled "A Very Hard Project".

"they're excited about making the movie... we do it around storytelling."

David Thomas Moran is a photographer and game designer currently involved in the TRansit Interpretation Project who works in urban mobile games, creative place making, and has many interesting projects. He is pursuing an MFA from UCF in Emerging Media. In this episode we also discuss how the creative community in Orlando can reach out to the West and the tourist-driven part of our economy.

"I'm definitely an Ex-Patriot when it comes to Disney..."

Nathan Selikoff is a visual artist who employs computer programming and math to create visual art, interactive pieces, sculptures and even live performances with musicians. We discuss how he came to be a professional artist, and how others can follow his example.

"...combining programming, math and science with art, design and interactivity..."

Fractured Atlas' Selena Juneau-Vogel joins us to discuss open source Arts SAAS product The app is one of the many services provided by Fractured Atlas, including insurance for artists, fiscal sponsorship, and a number of technology features to empower individuals or groups of artists.

" up the possibility of artists making their own technology, building their own tools..."

In this podcast, we interrogate Necole and the group on a BATT Conference, the Hierarchy of Creatitivy, mention TED's Hole in the Wall, Innovation Washing, and more.

"Play is the higest form of research" - Einstein

In this episode, hear about our personal projects: Kathryn's new outlet on Tweet Speak Poetry, Ryan's play at the Fringe, Processing, Github and welcoming communities.

"...mathematical algorithms to produce what I would consider artistically pleasing images"

Hilary Mason lives in New York City where she is the Chief Scientist at bitly. She is trying to bring into popularity the field of Data Science. We also discuss her involvement with HackNY, NYCResistor, and her app to find the Median Hamburger in the West Village.

"This is a pretty nerdy way to choose where to have dinner."

Kathryn is a poet, Neurobiologist, Tech geek and innovator who has lived in many places, now returning to her roots in Florida.

We talk about outer space, research, and what makes our home a fun place to be.

"If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research" - Einstein
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